Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

15.5 Matrix Computations with MATLAB 489

■Figure 15.25 Plot of volume versusxusing data imported from an Excel file.

15.5 Matrix Computations with MATLAB

As explained earlier, MATLAB offers many tools for matrix operations and manipulations.
Table 15.4 shows examples of these capabilities. We will demonstrate a few of MATLAB’s matrix
commands with the aid of the following examples.

Example 15.5 Given the following matrices:

, , and using MATLAB, perform

the following operations. (a) [A] [B] ?, (b) [A] [B] ?, (c) 3[A] ?, (d) [A][B] ?,
(e) [A]{C} ? (f ) determinate of [A].
The solution is shown in Figure 15.26. When studying these examples, note that the re-
sponse given by MATLAB is shown in regular typeface. Information that the user needs to type
is shown in boldface.

5 C 6 •




3 B 4 £ ¶

46  2

72 3

13  4

3 A 4 £ §



9  29


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