Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

Problems 497


Now that you have reached this point in the text you should:

  • know that MATLAB is a tool that can be used to solve engineering problems. Moreover, you
    can use MATLAB to present the results of an analysis in chart form. You can input your own
    formulas or use the built-in functions provided by MATLAB.

  • know how to edit the content of a MATLAB file.

  • be familiar with MATLAB’s built-in functions.

  • know how to import data files into MATLAB.

  • know how to create a proper engineering chart using MATLAB.

  • know how to perform matrix computations with MATLAB.

  • be familiar with MATLAB’s curve-fitting capabilities.

  • be familiar with MATLAB’s symbolic mathematics capabilities.


15.1. Using the MATLAB Help menu, discuss how the fol-
lowing functions are used. Create a simple example,
and demonstrate the proper use of the function.
a. ABS (X)
c. SIZE (x)
d. FIX (x)
e. FLOOR (x)
f. CEIL (x)
15.2. In Chapter 10, we discussed fluid pressure and the
role of water towers in small towns. Use MATLAB
to create a table that shows the relationship between
the height of water above ground in the water to
wer and the water pressure in a pipeline located
at the base of the water tower. The relationship is
given by


P water pressure at the base of the water tower
in pounds per square foot (lb/ft

rdensity of water in slugs per cubic foot (r
1.94 slugs /ft

gacceleration due to gravity (g32.2 ft /s

hheight of water above ground in feet (ft)

Create a table that shows the water pressure in lb/in
a pipe located at the base of the water tower as you vary
the height of the water in increments of 10 ft. Also, plot
the water pressure (lb/in
) versus the height of water
in feet. What should the water level in the water tower
be to create 80 psi of water pressure in a pipe at the
base of the water tower?
15.3. As we explained in Chapter 10, viscosity is a measure
of how easily a fluid flows. The viscosity of water can
be determined from the following correlation.


mviscosity (N/s m

T temperature (K)

c 1 2.414  10
N/s m

c 2 247.8 K

c 3 140 K

Using MATLAB, create a table that shows the viscos-
ity of water as a function of temperature in the range of
0 C (273.15 K) to 100C (373.15 K) in increments of
5 C. Also, create a graph showing the value of viscos-
ity as a function of temperature.

mc 110


c 2
Tc 3



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