Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

2.3 Daily Studying and Preparation 33

basic concepts, you will not do well on the exams, and you will be at a disadvantage later in your
other classes and in life when you practice engineering.
Take good legible notes so that you can go back to them later if you need to refresh your
memory before exam time. Most of today’s engineering textbooks provide a blank margin on the
left and right side of each sheet. Don’t be afraid to write in these margins as you study your book.
Keep all your engineering books; don’t sell them back to the bookstore — some day you may
need them. If you have a computer, you may want to type up a summary sheet of all important
concepts. Later, you can use theFindcommand to look up selected terms and concepts. You may
wish to insert links between related concepts in your notes. Digital notes may take some extra
time to type, but they can save you time in the long run when you search for information.

Select a Good Study Place You may already know that you should study in a comfortable place
with good lighting. You do not want any distractions while you are studying. For example, you
do not want to study in front of a TV while watching your favorite situation comedy. A library
is certainly a good place for studying, but you can make your dorm room or your apartment
room into a good place for studying. Talk to your roommate(s) about your study habits and study
time. Explain to them that you prefer to study in your own room and appreciate not being dis-
turbed while studying. If possible, find a roommate with a declared engineering major, who is
likely to be more understanding of your study needs. Remember that a bad place for studying is
in your girlfriend’s or boyfriend’s lap or arms (or any other acceptable engineering configuration).
Another useful idea is to keep your desk clean and avoid having a picture of your sweetheart in
front of you. You don’t want to daydream as you are studying. There is plenty of time for that later.

Form Study Groups Your professor will be the first person to tell you that the best way to learn
something is to teach it. In order to teach something, though, you have to first understand the
basic concepts. You need to study on your own first and then get together with your classmates

Not a good way to study!

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