Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

Example 16.1 Draw the orthographic views of the object shown in Figure 16.5(a).

16.3 Dimensioning and Tolerancing 511


(c) (d)



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16.3 Dimensioning and Tolerancing

Engineering drawings provide information about shape, size, and material of a product. In the
previous section, we discussed how to draw the orthographic views. We did not say anything
about how to show the actual size of the object on the drawings. The American National Stan-
dards Institute (ANSI) sets the standards for the dimensioning and tolerancing practices for
engineering drawings. Every engineering drawing must include dimensions, tolerances, the
materials from which the product will be made, the finished surfaces marked, and other notes
such as part numbers. Providing this information on the diagrams is important for many

■Figure 16.5
An object and its
orthographic views: (a) the
object, (b) the top view,
(c) the front view, and
(d) the side view.

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