Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

16.7 Solid Modeling 527

(a) A microprocessor heat sink (b) A bracket


(a) In order to create the solid model of the heat sink shown in Figure 16.26(a), we draw
its front view first, as shown in Figure 16.27.

Example 16.5 Discuss how to create the solid model of the objects shown in Figure 16.26, using the opera-
tions discussed in this section.

■Figure 16.26 The objects for Example 16.5.

We then extrude this profile in the normal direction, which leads to the solid model of the heat
sink as depicted in Figure 16.26(a).
(b) Similarly for the bracket given in Figure 16.26(b), we begin by creating the profile
shown in Figure 16.28.

■Figure 16.27
Front view.

■Figure 16.28
Partial profile of the bracket.

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