Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

Boeing 777 Commercial Airplane 545

from Europe, Canada, and Asia /Pacific, contributed to the design and production of the 777.
The Japanese aerospace industry was among the largest of the overseas participants. Represen-
tatives from airline customers such as Nippon Airways and British Airways also provided input
to the design of 777. Throughout the design process, the different components of the airplane
were designed, tested, assembled (to ensure proper fitting), and disassembled on a network of
computers. Approximately 1700 individual workstations and 4 IBM mainframe computers
were used. The use of the computers and the engineering software eliminated the need for the
development of a costly, full-scale prototype. The digital solid modeling technology allowed the
engineers to improve the quality of work, experiment with various design concepts, and reduce
changes and errors, all of which resulted in lower costs and increased efficiency in building and
installing various parts and components.
The engineers used, among other software, CATIA (Computer-Aided Three-Dimensional
Interactive Application) and ELFINI (Finite Element Analysis System), both developed by
Dassault Systems of France and licensed in the United States through IBM. Designers also used
EPIC (Electronic Preassembly Integration on CATIA) and other digital preassembly applica-
tions developed by Boeing.
The 777 series, the world’s largest twinjet, is available in three models: the initial model,
777-200; the 777-200ER (Extended Range) model; and the larger 777-300 model. The
777-300 is stretched 33 ft (10 m) from the initial 777-200 model to a total of 242 ft 4 in.
(73.9 m). In an all-economy layout, the 777-300 can accommodate as many as 550 pas-
sengers. However, it may be configured for 368 to 386 passengers in three classes to provide
more comfort.
In terms of range capability, the 777-300 can serve routes up to 6450 statute miles
(10,370 km). The 777-300 has nearly the same passenger capacity and range capability as the
747-100/-200 models but burns one-third less fuel and has 40% lower maintenance costs. Of
course, this results in a lower operating cost.
Baseline maximum takeoff mass for the 777-300 is 580,000 lb (263,080 kg); the highest max-
imum takeoff weight being offered is 660,000 pounds (299,370 kg). Maximum fuel capacity is
45,220 gal (171,160 L). The 777-300 has a total available cargo volume of 7080 ft
(200.5 m
Satellite communication and global positioning systems are basic to the airplane. The 777
wing uses the most aerodynamically efficient airfoil ever developed for subsonic commercial
aviation. The wing has a span of 199 ft 11 in. (60.9 m). The advanced wing design enhances the
airplane’s ability to climb quickly and cruise at higher altitudes than its predecessor airplanes. The
wing design also allows the airplane to carry full passenger payloads out of many high-elevation,
high-temperature airfields. Fuel is stored entirely within the wing and its structural center section.
The longer-range model and the 777-300 model can carry up to 45,220 gal (171,155 L).
The Boeing Company, upon request from airplane buyers, can install engines from three
leading engine manufacturers, namely, Pratt & Whitney, General Electric, and Rolls-Royce.
These engines are rated in the 74,000 to 77,000-pound thrust class. For the longer-range model
and the 777-300, these engines will be capable of thrust ratings in the 84,000 to 98,000-pound
New, lightweight, cost-effective structural materials are used in several 777 applications. For
example, an improved aluminum alloy, 7055, is used in the upper wing skin and stringers. This
alloy offers greater compression strength than previous alloys, enabling designers to save weight
and also improve resistance to corrosion and fatigue. Lightweight composites are found in the

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