Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1


kspecific heat ratio1.4

Rair gas constant287 J/ kgK

Tair temperature at cruising altitude (K)

Compare your Mach number to the one given in the Boeing data table.

  1. As mentioned previously, the flight crew transmits control and maneuvering commands
    through electrical wires, augmented by computers, directly to hydraulic actuators for the
    elevators,rudder,ailerons, and other controls surfaces. The elevators, rudder, and ailerons for
    a small plane are shown in the accompanying figure. In a small plane the ailerons are moved
    by turning the control wheel in the cockpit. When the wheel is turned left, the left aileron
    moves up and the right aileron moves down. This is how the pilots starts a turn to the left.
    In a small plane the rudder is operated by the pilot’s feet. When the pilot presses the left rud-
    der pedal, the nose of the plane moves left. When the right rudder pedal is pressed the nose
    moves right. The elevators make the nose of the plane move up and down. When the pilot
    pulls back on the control wheel in the cockpit, the nose of the plane moves up. When the
    control wheel is pushed forward, the nose moves down.
    Investigate the aerodynamics of maneuvering flight in more detail. Explain what hap-
    pens to air pressure distribution over these surfaces as their orientations are changed. What
    are the directions of the resulting force due to the pressure distributions over these surfaces?
    Write a brief report explaining your findings.




Elevator Rudder

548 Chapter 16 Engineering Drawings and Symbols

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