Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

Problems 39

2.1. Prepare a schedule for the current semester; also pre-
pare two additional alternative schedules. Discuss the
pros and cons of each schedule. Select what you think
is the best schedule, and discuss it with your instructor
or advisor. Consider his or her suggestions and modify
the schedule if necessary; then present the final sched-
ule to your instructor. Maintain a daily logbook to
keep track of how closely you are following the sched-
ule and where time is being used inefficiently. Write a

one-page summary discussing each week’s activities
that deviated from the planned schedule, and come up
with ways to improve or modify its shortcomings. Turn
in a biweekly summary report to your instructor or
advisor. Think of this exercise as an ongoing test sim-
ilar to other tests that engineers perform regularly to
understand and improve things.
2.2. Meet with your advisor and prepare your graduation
plan, as discussed in Section 2.5.


Now that you have reached this point in the text

  • You should use the ideas discussed in this chapter to make your transition from high school
    to college smoothly. You should also consider the time management ideas discussed in this
    chapter to arrive at a reasonable weekly schedule.

  • You should realize that you must start studying and preparing from the first day of class,
    attend classes regularly, get help right away, take good notes, select a good study place, and
    form study groups.

  • You should know the importance of joining an engineering organization and choose an orga-
    nization, join, and become an active participant.


Hour Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

7– 8

9 –10

10 –11

12 –1






7– 8

9 –10

10 –11

“I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.”
—Mark Twain (1835 –1910)

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