Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1
OObbjjeeccttiivvee:: To design a vehicle from the materials listed
below that will transport an egg safely. The vehicle is to
be dropped from a height of 10 ft. Thirty minutes will
be allowed for preparation

Impromptu Design VII

PPrroovviiddeedd MMaatteerriiaallss:: 4 rubber bands; 30 inches of adhe-

sive tape; 20 feet of string; 2 paper plates; 2 Styrofoam
cups; 2 sheets of paper ( 8


⁄ 2  11 each); 4 drinking
straws; 4 small paper clips; 4 large paper clips; a raw egg.
The team with the unbroken egg and the slowest drop
time wins.


“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
—Albert Einstein (1879 –1955)

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