Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

616 Chapter 18 Mathematics in Engineering


In Equation (18.30), [A]
is called the inverse of [A]. Only a square and nonsingular matrix
has an inverse. In the previous section, we explained the Gauss elimination method that you can
use to obtain solutions to a set of linear equations. Matrix inversion allows for yet another way
of solving for the solutions of a set of linear equations. As you will learn later in your math and
engineering classes, there are a number of ways to compute the inverse of a matrix.

18.6 Calculus

Calculus commonly is divided into two broad areas: differential and integral calculus. In the
following sections, we will explain some key concepts related to differential and integral calculus.

Differential Calculus

A good understanding of differential calculus is necessary to determine therate of changein
engineering problems. The rate of change refers to how a dependent variable changes with
respect to an independent variable. Let’s imagine that on a nice day, you decided to go for a ride.
You get into your car and turn the engine on, and you start on your way for a nice drive. Once
you are cruising at a constant speed and enjoying the scenery, your engineering curiosity kicks
in and you ask yourself, how has the speed of my car been changing? In other words, you are
interested in knowing thetime rate of changeof speed, or the tangential acceleration of the car.
As defined above, the rate of change shows how one variable changes with respect to
another variable. In this example, speed is thedependent variableand time is theindependent
variable. The speed is called thedependent variable, because the speed of the car is a function of
time. On the other hand, the time variable is not dependent on the speed, and hence, it is
called an independent variable. If you could define a function that closely described the speed
in terms of time, then you woulddifferentiatethe function to obtain the acceleration. Related
to the example above, there are many other questions that you could have asked:

What is the time rate of fuel consumption (gallons per hour)?
What is the distance rate of fuel consumption ( miles per gallon)?
What is the time rate of change of your position with respect to a known location (i.e., speed
of the car)?

Engineers calculate the rate of change of variables to design products and services. The engineers
who designed your car had to have a good grasp of the concept of rate of change in order to build
a car with a predictable behavior. For example, manufacturers of cars make certain information
available, such as miles per gallon for city or highway driving conditions. Additional familiar
examples dealing with rates of change of variables include:

How does the temperature of the oven change with time, after it is turned on?
How does the temperature of a soft drink change over time after it is placed in a refrigerator?

Again, the engineers who designed the oven and refrigerator understood the rate of change con-
cept to design a product that functions according to established specifications. Traffic flow and
product movement on assembly lines are other examples where a detailed knowledge of the
rate of change of variables are sought.

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