Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

3.1 Engineering Design Process 45

functional design. Before we can consider improving our design, we need to ask ourselves
what criterion we should use to optimize the design. Design optimization is always based on
some particular criterion, such as cost, strength, size, weight, reliability, noise, or performance.
If we use the weight as an optimization criterion, then the problem becomes one of minimiz-
ing the weight of the ladder without jeopardizing its strength. For example, we may consider
making the ladder from aluminum. We would also perform stress analysis on the new ladder
to see if we could remove material from certain sections of the ladder without compromising
the loading and safety requirements.
Another important fact to keep in mind is that optimizing individual components of an
engineering system does not necessarily lead to an optimized system. For example, consider a
thermal-fluid system such as a refrigerator. Optimizing the individual components indepen-
dently — such as the compressor, the evaporator, or the condenser —with respect to some cri-
terion does not lead to an optimized overall system (refrigerator).
Traditionally, improvements in a design come from the process of starting with an
initial design, performing an analysis, looking at results, and deciding whether or not we can
improve the initial design. This procedure is shown in Figure 3.1. In the past few decades, the
optimization process has grown into a discipline that ranges from linear to nonlinear pro-
gramming techniques. As is the case with any discipline, the optimization field has its own
terminology. There are advanced classes that you can take to learn more about the design
optimization process.

of analysis

Can the design
be improved?






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■Figure 3.1
An optimization procedure.

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