Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

632 Chapter 18 Mathematics in Engineering

18.36.Estimate the amount of electricity that is projected to be
generated from coal in 2017.
18.37.Estimate the amount of electricity that is projected to be
generated from petroleum in 2018.
18.38.Estimate the amount of electricity that is projected to be
generated from natural gas in 2024.
18.39.Estimate the amount of electricity that is projected to be
generated from nuclear fuel in 2022.

18.40.Estimate the amount of electricity that is projected to be
generated from renewable and other sources in 2017.
18.41.Using linear interpolation, estimate the percentage
change in the amount of electricity that was generated
using coal in 2007 compared to 1987.
18.42.Using linear interpolation, estimate the percentage
change in the total amount of electricity that was gen-
erated in 2007 compared to 1987.

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