Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1
National Electric Code, 355 – 356
National Fire Protection Association
(NFPA), 70
National Science Foundation (NSF), 13
National Society of Black
Engineers (NSBE), 13
National Society of Professional Engineers
(NSPE), 3, 13, 111–121
code of ethics, 3, 111–115
engineer’s creed, 115 –117
NSPE Milton F. Lunch Ethics Contest
case studies, 117–121
Natural frequency, 210 – 211
Natural gas, energy from, 395, 397
Newton (N), unit of, 134, 254
Newton’s laws, 149 –150, 259 – 262,
379 – 381
energy and, 379 – 381
first law of motion, 259
first law of thermodynamics, 379 – 381
force and, 259 – 262
gravitation, 260 – 262
second law of motion, 150, 259 – 260
second law of thermodynamics, 149 –150
third law of motion, 260
Nominal interest rate, 661
Nominal sizes versus actual sizes, 168 –170
Nonlinear models, 594 – 605
cooling of steel plates, 600 – 605
decibel scale, 605
deflection of a beam, 597– 600
exponential functions, 600 – 603
laminar fluid velocity inside a pipe,
595 –596
logarithmic functions, 603 – 605
polynomial functions, 595 – 600
real roots, 599
slopes of, 597– 600
stopping sight distance, 596 –597
Normal distribution, 643 – 650
Normal strain, 171
Normal stress, 280 – 281. See alsoPressure
Not to Scale (NTS), 512
now( )function, Excel, 430
NPER function, Excel, 675
Nuclear energy, 396 – 398
Nuclear engineering, profession of, 20
Numerical solutions, 143 –144, 422 – 423,
464, 467. See alsoMatrix computations
engineering problems, 143 –144
Excel arithmetic operations, 422 – 423
MATLAB arithmetic operators, 464, 467

Objective function, design process, 47
Objectives, technical reports, 98
Ohm (æ), unit of, 354
Ohm’s law, 319 – 320, 354

Optimization, design process, 44 – 45
Oral presentations, 100 –101
Organizer, team role of, 60
Orthographic drawing views, 508 –511
Oscillation, period of, 211
Outcome, probability, 634
Outdoor air quality, 77–78

Par value, bonds, 678
Parallel connections, 348, 358 – 359
Parametric form of engineering problems, 93
Pascal (Pa), unit of, 269 – 270
Pascal’s law, 270 – 273
Patents, 64 – 65
Periodic table of chemical elements,
231– 232
Periods, 210 – 212, 350
alternating (ac) current and, 350
frequency and, 210 – 212
oscillation, 211
Petroleum engineering, profession of, 19 – 20
Phases of matter, material selection and,
554 –555
Photoemission, 348 – 349
Photovoltaic cells, 348 – 349
Photovoltaic (solar) systems, 403 – 405
Physical laws and observations, 148 –151,
241– 244, 378 – 381
conservation of energy, 150, 378 – 381
conservation of mass, 150, 241– 244
importance of in engineering, 148 –151
limitations of, 151
Newton’s first law of motion, 259
Newton’s first law of thermodynamics,
379 – 381
Newton’s second law of motion, 150,
259 – 260
Newton’s second law of thermodynamics,
149 –150
Pin support, 266
Plagiarism, engineering ethics and, 121
Planar area, approximation of, 175 –180
Plasma, 554
Plastics, material selection and, 567–568
Plates (rectangular), moment of inertia of, 238
plot( )command, MATLAB, 481– 482
Plotting with Excel, 434 – 441, 448 – 452
Add Datacommand, 437
Add Trendlineoptions, 448 – 448
Chartmenu, 435
Chart Wizard, 435
curve fitting, 448 – 452
Display equation on chartbox, 448 – 451
Display R-squared value on chartbox,
450 – 451
Format Trendlinedialogue box, 448 – 451
procedure for, 435 – 437

Set interceptbox, 448 – 449
two sets of data with different ranges,
437– 441
XY (Scatter) plots, 435 – 441
xycharts, 434
Plotting with MATLAB, 480 – 489,
492 – 493
Command Window, 480, 486
contour plots, 483 – 485
curve fitting, 492 – 493
gridcommand, 482
holdcommand, 485
importing files from Excel, 487– 489
line properties, 481– 483
loglog (x,y)command, 483 – 485
plot( )command, 481– 482
semilog (x,y)command, 485
surface plots, 483 – 485
symbol properties, 48 – 482
title ('text')command, 482
x-ycharts, 480 – 487
Plumbing and piping drawing symbols, 531
Pollution, 77– 80. See alsoContaminants
Polymers, 567
Polynomial functions, nonlinear models and,
595 – 600
Population (data points), 635
Postmultiplier matrix, 608
Potential energy, 374 – 376
Potentiometers, 356 – 357
Pound (lb), unit of, 135
Pound force (lbf), unit of, 136 –137, 254,
374 – 376
Pound mass (lbm), unit of, 136 –137,
233 – 234
Pounds per square inch (psi), unit of, 270
Power plants, 349, 386 – 388
efficiency of, 386 – 388
electrical generation from, 349
Power, 136 –138, 349, 352 – 353, 356,
372 – 415. See also Energy
consumption, 356, 393 – 394
efficiency and, 386 – 393
electrical, 136 –138, 349, 352 – 353, 356
energy and, 137–138, 372 – 415
generating plants, 349, 386 – 388
generation of, 349, 393 – 395
Hoover Dam, engineering marvel,
413 – 415
horsepower (hp), unit of, 382 – 384
residential distribution, 352 – 353
sources of energy, 393 – 408
symbols for distribution of, 353
ton of refrigeration, unit of, 383 – 384
units of, 136 –138, 382 – 386
watts (W), unit of, 382 – 384
work and, 381– 386
PowerPoint presentations, 100 –101

698 Index

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