The Great Secret of Mind

(Chris Devlin) #1

Selected Glossary

English equivalents of technical Dzogchen Tibetan terms:

alpha-purity ka dag
basic pure presence gzhi rig
buddha sangs rgyas (pa)
buddha-potential yon tan
calm-abiding meditation zhi gnas (Skt. shamata)
carefree, free of
bya bral

certain, predictable,

nges pa

creativity rtsal
display rol pa
emotional affliction nyon mongs
envisionment rang snang
Great Perfection Dzogchen
insight meditation lhag mthong (Skt. vipasyana)
intrinsic awareness rang byung ye shes
intrinsic creativity,
rang rtsal

intrinsic creativity of
pure presence
rig rtsal

intrinsic presence rang rig
luminous mind byang chub sems (Skt. bodhichitta)
matrix klong
ornamentation rgyan
primal awareness ye shes
pure being and
primal awareness
sku dang ye shes

pure presence rig pa
space (existential) ngang
spontaneity lhun grub
trikaya, the three
dimensions of being
sku gsum

truly existing,
substantial existence
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