Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

(lu) #1

Subpixel rendering relies on a perfectly aligned grid of pixels, which makes
LCD flat panels the only type of monitor on which this technique works
consistently. CRT monitors suffer from inaccuracies and oddly distributed
pixels, making subpixel rendering extremely difficult to pull off.

Even LCD monitors have variations in their subpixel arrangement that must
be accounted for; some monitors are arranged in the order of RGB, while
others are ordered BGR.

Subpixel rendering triples the perceived resolution by setting each color
component separately.

Subpixel rendering produces more desirable results than standard rendering, but
adopts color fringes.


As designers and developers, we have limited control over how type is
ultimately seen by the end user, but by using the proper delivery method,
we can ensure an optimized presentation. That said, we՚ll look here at the

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