Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

(lu) #1

On the right of the following illustration, we՚ve set a Myriad Black above
Minion, normal weight. It might be a bit heavy-handed but there is no
confusion as to what the reader is supposed to look at first.

Create a Variety of Typographic Colors

Typographic color is the combined effect of the variations of font weight,
size, stroke width, leading, kerning, and several other factors. One easy way
to see typographic colors is to squint at a layout until you can՚t read it
anymore, but can still see the text in terms of its overall tonal value.

If you squint at the examples above, you՚ll notice that layout on the left
bleeds into one undistinguished blob of text, ever so slightly more dense at
the bottom. However, the layout on the right retains its visual hierarchy,
even if you can՚t read it. No matter how far away you are from this page,

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