Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

(lu) #1

In the example on the left, the heading and body copy bleed together into
an unsightly blob of text. Use the squint method mentioned above and
look at the left example. While still squinting, look at the right and notice
the dramatic difference even though it՚s blurry!

On the right, we have the same two fonts, but in different sizes. TheMix
Italic has been bumped up significantly, while New Century Schoolbook has
been decreased to a legible, yet more complimentary size.

Using different point sizes helps distinguish the typographic hierarchy
and increase the variety of typographic color.

In Conclusion

The fact that there are no hard and fast rules about combining typefaces
can make the process of making good choices time-consuming and
maybe even a little exhausting. But it՚s also nice to have a handy set of
principles, as well as an understanding of certain typographic situations to
avoid, to guide the process as quickly as possible to a pleasant typographic

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