Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

(lu) #1

8 Definitive Web Font Stacks

This article from Sitepoint written by Michael Tuck lists eight font stacks
that are supposed to be the ultimate stacks for any application. It՚s based
on a basic formula of: ̒exact font̓, ̒nearest alternative̓, ̒platform-wide
alternative(s)̓, ̒universal (cross-platform) choice(s)̓, generic. My biggest
issues with some of these font stacks is their length; is it really necessary to
include 17 different fonts in a single font stack? I don՚t think so...

The font stacks:

  • The Times New Roman-based serif stack: Cambria, ̒Hoefler Text̓, Utopia,
    ̒Liberation Serif̓, ̒Nimbus Roman No9 L Regular̓, Times, ̒Times New
    Roman̓, serif

  • A Modern Georgia-based serif stack: Constantia, ̒Lucida Bright̓,
    Lucidabright, ̒Lucida Serif̓, Lucida, ̒DejaVu Serif̓, ̒Bitstream Vera Serif̓,
    ̒Liberation Serif̓, Georgia, serif

  • A more traditional Garamond-based serif stack: ̒Palatino Linotype̓,
    Palatino, Palladio, ̒URW Palladio L̓, ̒Book Antiqua̓, Baskerville, ̒Bookman
    Old Style̓, ̒Bitstream Charter̓, ̒Nimbus Roman No9 L̓, Garamond, ̒Apple
    Garamond̓, ̒ITC Garamond Narrow̓, ̒New Century Schoolbook̓, ̒Century
    Schoolbook̓, ̒Century Schoolbook L̓, Georgia, serif

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