Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

(lu) #1

While the cap height and x-height typically remain the same, you might see
an increase in character weight and width.

Note that Sharp has a tendency to completely cut subtle shape variations
from rendering and sometimes causes inconsistent letterforms, so if
typeface integrity is important to you, you may want to try a different


The Crisp setting maintains much of the font՚s original weight and
curvature but cleans up some of the awkward pixels created by light serifs
and thin strokes — which is especially useful for larger point sizes.

With the Crisp setting, however, you sacrifice the ability to nudge the layer
on the y-axis.


The Strong setting is notorious for adding unnecessary weight to a
typeface, but it provides the most freedom with translating the origin, with
32 x-axis variations and 16 on the y-axis.

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