Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

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Unlike EOT, the web Open Font Format (WOFF) is in the process of being
standardized as a recommendation by the World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C). The W3C published WOFF as a working draft in July 2010.

WOFF came into existence as a kind of a compromise between font
foundries and browser companies. No wonder that WOFF has been
developed by two font designers (Erik van Blokland and Tal Leming) in
cooperation with Mozilla developer Jonathan Kew. When it comes right
down to it, WOFF is rather a wrapper that contains TrueType and OpenType
fonts than a new format of its own. WOFF uses an integrated compression
algorithm named zlib, which offers file size reduction for TrueType fonts of
over 40%. Further more, meta data can be added, e.g. a user՚s licence.
However, this data only presents informational material – it is not validated
by browsers.

Thanks to WOFF Mozilla can use it՚s corporate typeface FF Meta.

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