Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

(lu) #1

sharpness (number)
A value between -400 and 400, which determines how sharp (positive
number) or soft (negative number) the edges of the glyphs will be.

thickness (number)
A value between -200 and 200, which sets the thickness of the glyph edges.

gridFitType (string)
Possible values are: “none,” “pixel” and “subpixel.” This specifies how
prominently the horizontal and vertical lines are fit to the monitor՚s pixel
grid. “Pixel” and “subpixel” usually produce the best results.

antiAliasType (string)
This is set by default to “advanced,” which allows the anti-alias settings
above to be applied. It can also be set to “normal,” but this option limits
sIFR՚s rendering capabilities to accommodate earlier versions of Flash
Player and overrides any of the properties above.

sIFR allows you to precisely customize your anti-alias settings. Notice that the
custom setting is slightly thinner and crisper.

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