Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

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Confusing interface and back-end. Each plan is limited to 4 Web sites (Note:
Each user can set up as many “Type Drawers” as they want, allowing 4 Web
sites per Type Drawer; so really the number of Web sites is only limited to
an individual plan within a single user account, whereas the number of Type
Drawers is unlimited).

Free 30-day trial on all fonts. Packages start at $0.99 per month (only
includes “Promotional” font selection) for 1GB usage and up to 4 Web sites.

Fee Schedule
Monthly subscription

Our Experience with WebINK

We only tested the web interface for WebINK, not Suitcase Fusion 3. The
WebINK online interface is probably more confusing than the others listed
here. The service allows you to create an unlimited amount of Type Drawers
to hold the fonts for your different projects. To add fonts from the library
into your Type Drawers, you need to click the “add fonts” button within a
specific Drawer. Going directly to the font library will not allow you to have
direct access to your Drawers, so this takes some getting used to.

Once you get the fonts you want into your Type Drawer, setting them up on
your Web site requires adding the @font-face information to your
stylesheet and placing the fonts into your font stacks. The speed at which
the font loads on the site is about the same as any other service.

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