Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

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embedding techniques to enliven their designs with versatile and
sophisticated typography. However, type is a tricky beast. What looks fine in
print, can be quite difficult to read online. If you are using custom fonts you
might want to test their screen display in various browsers.

With the help of Web Font Specimen, you can do this easily. Just download
the tool, unzip it, set your fonts in CSS, and then open up the HTML-
specimen in a browser. The specimen contains whole paragraphs in various
line heights and font sizes, different headings, ordered and unordered lists,
as well as italic and bold text. You can analyze the body size comparison
that reveals aspects of the typeface that can՚t otherwise be seen and study
single glyphs, different measures (widths), grayscale text as well as light on
dark or dark on light text.

With a few clicks, you get a reliable impression of what your font will look
like in context. You can adapt the tool to your needs and share it with
others under a Creative Commons licence.

Free download pdf