Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

(lu) #1

The Authors

Andrew Follet

Andrew is the founder of Concept Feedback, a Web site feedback
community for online professionals specializing in web design, usability,
and marketing. Post a Web site, mockup, or landing page, and get quick,
actionable ideas to improve performance.

Antonio Carusone

Antonio Carusone is a New York based graphic designer and author of
AisleOne, a blog focused on graphic design and typography, and The Grid
System, an ever-growing resource on grid systems and part of the Thinking
for a Living Network.

Cameron Chapman

Cameron Chapman is a professional Web and graphic designer with over 6
years of experience. She writes for a number of blogs, including her own.
She՚s also the author of Internet Famous: A Practical Guide to Becoming an
Online Celebrity

Dan Mayer

Dan Mayer's interest in graphic design began when he was five years old
and visited a printing press on a 1979 episode of Sesame Street, and has
been expanding ever since. A native of the US, he currently resides in
Prague, where he works freelance and teaches courses in design history
and theory at Prague College. His work and more examples of his writing
can be found at http://www.danmayer.com.

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