Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

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however, to keep borders in content simple. They should have a subtle
color palette and shouldn՚t be too large.

In the case of graphical elements such as icons and illustrations, space is
the only separator that should be used. The content should move cleanly
around the graphic without disrupting the text.

  1. Use of Separators
    Separators are a simple and easy way to divide text into sections in a clean
    and organized manner. They can be used to divide hierarchy elements, such
    as headers and body text. They can also be used to divide content into

The simplest form of divider is a single line. These are most often used to
divide hierarchy elements and are very useful for making subtle divisions
that still play a big role in readability.

Another common way to divide content is to use boxes. Text boxes are
excellent for separating unrelated content on a single page. They help
move the user՚s eyes through a complex layout. Below is an example of this
on Pixelmator՚s Web site. It uses boxes to separate content in a clean way.
Notice how the boxes are defined by their background instead of a border.

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