Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

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In many cases, the myriad of goals web typography needs to serve will be
conflicting with each other. With each client and for each projects you need
to prioritize and define which goals are more important than the others.
Some clients will be more concerned with maintaining brand identity, and
others will put search engine friendliness higher.

All typographic decisions function within the scope of the problem at hand.
Different sites will have various needs. There isn՚t always one answer for
each problem. It requires careful consideration of the strengths and
weaknesses that each solution poses to the various areas that web
typography effects.

As part of your research and studies look at how other sites handle the
same issues that come up in your work. Typography For Headlines is a
collection of links and screenshots of over 100 headlines around the web,
each approaching this issue in a unique and creative way.

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