Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

(lu) #1

Consider the following screenshot from the article A Guide to Web
Typography below. The image shows how type characteristics effect
hierarchy. Also, notice how strongly the sidebar stands out. Although it՚s
clearly separate from the main content, and therefore appears to be less
important, it՚s hard not to be drawn to all the fonts which are presented on
the black background. This design decision is effective as it makes you want
to acutally click on the fonts.

Even though those fonts are much bigger than the type set in the main
body we are not confused about their function. They function as
advertisements. We try to block them out as we read the article. Since the
sidebar is eye-catching but passive, we experience no problems reading the
article although we are subconsciously aware of the presence of the

Placement has a large effect on how we react to the type on the web.
Emerged conventions, such as a less importance given to sidebar, helps us
to focus on the main content and guide us through the visual hierarch of

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