Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

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accompanying presentation called Essential Web Skills that was done at
Webmaster Jam in Dallas Texas. In this presentation, he describes how text
is a fundamental part of the user interface. He also mentions that text
makes an interface more “accessible and digestible.”

The image above is an example he uses of text being used as a user
interface. On the left you՚ll find an unformatted text. On the right you՚ll
find the text which was given a function in the user interface. Notice how
the color and weight of the text differ. There is an ample spacing between
paragraphs and within lines. Links are made to stand out and are easy to
identify. To view the original of this before and after image you՚ll need to
download the presentation from Cameron՚s site.

Further Web Typography Resources

1.The Destination Matters More Than the Journey

This is a classic article on web typography over on Digital Web. It reminds
us of the need to help users navigate through Web sites by using well

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