Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

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fonts, the only exceptions being Lucida Grande (which comes installed only
on Macs), Helvetica and Baskerville.

As one would expect, Arial, Georgia and Verdana are used for the majority
of body copy today. In our study, around 80% of Web sites used one of
these three fonts. For the remaining 20%, designers̓ favorite Helvetica is a
popular choice, as is Lucida Grande.

With options such as Verdana and Arial available as fall-backs, a designer
really has no reason not to specify other non-standard fonts to achieve the
best effect.

Yo u c a n l e a r n m o re a b o u t a d va n c e d CSS font stacks in this book՚s article
Guide to CSS Font Stacks

Further resources on the web are Nathan Ford՚s article Better CSS Font
Stacks and CodeStyle՚s Build Better CSS Font Stacks.

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