Part IV: Professional Database Development
FIGURE 29.18
Copying the XML to USysRibbons and naming the new ribbon
FIGURE 29.19
frmUSysRibbons displays the information stored in the USysRibbons table.
Step 5: Specify the custom ribbon property
The last step, before restarting the application, is to open the Current Database properties
(File ➪ Options ➪ Current Database), scroll to the Ribbons and Toolbar Options section, and select
the name of the new ribbon from the RibbonName combo box (see Figure 29.20). The combo
box’s list contains only the names of custom ribbons in USysRibbons that were in the table as
Access started (apparently Access only reads USysRibbons one time as Access opens a database),
so it does not contain the name of the new ribbon. You have to type the ribbon’s name into the
combo box, or restart the application and let Access find the new ribbon in USysRibbons.