Microsoft Access 2010 Bible

(Rick Simeone) #1

Part IV: Professional Database Development


l (^) Network users benefit from speed increases by running the code .accdb (the database
containing the queries, forms, macros, reports, and modules) locally and accessing only
the shared data on the network.
l Updates can easily be distributed to users.
l (^) Data can be backed up more efficiently because disk space and time aren’t used to contin-
uously back up the code objects.
All professionally distributed applications — especially those intended for network use — should
have separate code and data database (.accdb) files.
Documenting the application
Most developers don’t like to write documentation — not only is it no fun, but it can be quite frus-
trating and time-consuming. Also, every time a change is made to the application, the application’s
documentation needs updating. But putting in the time and effort now to prepare thorough docu-
mentation can save hours of technical support time down the road. Even if you don’t plan to dis-
tribute a full user’s manual, take time to document how to perform the most common functions in
your application. If you’ve created shortcuts, make sure to share them with the users.
Chapter 26 discusses documentation in more detail.
In this chapter, you learned how to set up the Current Database options, which make your appli-
cation professional looking and more difficult for the nosey user to poke around in. You learned
how to restrict components users can interact with, as well as how to simulate the runtime envi-
ronment with the /runtime switch or the .accdr extension.
You also reviewed testing and polishing procedures that make your application less likely to break
after you distribute it. You revisited error handling and bulletproofing as additional methods to
make a solid application. Preparing your database for distribution might take a bit more time, but
you’ll be thankful you spent the time on it when your deployment goes smoothly.

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