Part V: Access and Windows SharePoint Services
SetValue, SetWarnings, ShowToolbar, SingleStep, TransferSharePointList, TransferSpreadsheet,
TransferSQLDatabase, and TransferText.
The following is the list of acceptable macro actions: SetOrderBy, BrowseTo, ClearMacroError,
CloseWindow, GoToControl, GoToRecord, MessageBox, OnError, OpenForm, OpenReport,
RefreshRecord, RemoveAllTempVars, RemoveTempVar, Requery, RunCommand (only
UndoRecord, SaveRecord, and DeleteRecord), RunDataMacro, RunMacro, SetFilter, SetLocalVar,
SetOrderBy, SetProperty, SetTempVar, StopAllMacros, and StopMacro.
Schema errors
Schema errors include all the things that may be wrong with table design, table properties, field
data types, field properties, and other aspects of the database’s data structures.
Lookup field issues
Many schema errors are caused by problems with lookup fields. These procedures explain how to
launch the Lookup Wizard in datasheet view to correct these problems by creating or modifying a
lookup field.
In lookup fields using value lists, all items on the list must be text.
Previously in this chapter, you read about the common error “A primary key which is a lookup is
incompatible with the Web.” This error requires removing the existing relationship between the
child and parent tables, and converting the foreign key field in the child table to a lookup field
type. The easiest way to do this is with the Lookup Field Wizard.
Field data type issues
The only valid data types for Access Services are Text, Number, Currency, Yes/No, Date/Time,
Calculated, Attachment, Hyperlink, Memo, and Lookup.
Primary key issues
All primary keys must be AutoNumbers. Composite keys are not supported in Access Services.
Attachment field limitations
Attachment fields are supported in Access Services, but only one Attachment field is permitted in
each table. If multiple Attachment fields exist in an Access table, combine the fields by moving all
the attachments from one field into the other field.
Calculated field issues
The only valid data types produced by calculated fields are Text, Number, Currency, Yes/No, and