links to Internet resources. See Hyperlink data type.
LinkText function, 604–606
[list], wildcard character, 181
[!list], wildcard character, 181
list boxes. See also combo boxes; controls.
absolute speed, 861
forms, 691–693
selecting items from lists, 299–300
synchronizing list contents, 682
lists of values, comparing, 203–204
load balancing, 1191–1192
Load event, 457
load on demand, 841–842
local scope, 426
Locals window, 544–545
locations, trusted, 937
locked fields
editing, 232, 296
in multiuser environments, 676
records, 296, 310
recordsets, 510–511
locking issues
default, 765
editing locked records, 232
page-lock, 764–765
locking issues, record-lock
All Records option, 766
built-in features, 765–768
Default Open Mode option, 766
default options, 766–768
Default Record Locking option, 766
Edited Record option, 766
No Locks option, 766
Number of Update Retries option, 767
ODBC Refresh Interval option, 767
optimistic locking, 766, 769
overview, 764–765
pessimistic locking, 766, 769–772
Refresh Interval option, 767
Update Retry Interval option, 768
locking issues, record-lock error handling
bound forms versus unbound, 780–788
caching, 768–769
Error 3186: Couldn’t save..., 772–774
Error 3188: Could not update..., 774–775
Error 3197: Data has changed..., 775–778
Error 3260: Couldn’t update..., 769–772
ErrorRoutine function, 778–780
linking tables (continued)
CheckLInks function, 606–607
with code, 600–606
Connect property, 600–606
with DAO, 600–606
Excel, 602–603
foreign keys, 20–21
keys, 20–21
LinkText function, 604–606
overview, 19–22
primary keys, 20–21
source table, specifying, 600–606
SourceTableName property, 600–606
to SQL Server, 1211–1214
text files, 604–606
linking to
CSV (comma-separated values), 596–597
dBase databases, 587
Excel data, 587, 591–594, 602–603
external data, 582
fixed-width text files, 596–597
HTML data, 583, 587, 594–595
non-database data, 591–594
ODBC tables, 588, 590–591
SharePoint calendars, 1122–1123
SQL Server tables, 1211–1214
text files, 587, 604–606
text tables, 583
linking to external tables. See also linked tables; linking
CSV (comma-separated values), 596–597
data types supported, 582
dBase databases, 587
definition, 581
disadvantages of, 583
Excel data, 587, 591–594
external database tables, 585–587
fixed-width text files, 596–597
HTML data, 587, 594–595
versus importing and exporting, 582
limitations of, 587–588
non-database data, 591–594
ODBC (Object Database Connectivity), 588, 590–591
other Access databases, 588–590
text data, 596–597
text files, 587
uses for, 582
xBase files, 591
LinkMasterFields property, 686
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