Windows system directory, 959–960
Windows version, 954–955
system messages, enabling/disabling, 1054–1055
system objects, hiding, 1090
system requirements, CD-ROM, 1267–1268
Tab Index property, 314
Tab key behavior, specifying, 311
tab order, specifying, 313–314
Tab Order dialog box, 313–314
Tab Stop property, 314
tabbed dialog boxes
labels on tabs, 702
overview, 700–703
pictures on tabs, 702
selected tabs, identifying, 702
tab size, setting, 702
tabs, as command buttons, 702
tabbed documents, specifying, 1086–1087
Tabbed Documents interface, 914
tabbed interface, 37–38, 1256
TabFixedHeight property, 702
TabFixedWidth property, 702
Table button, 42
table columns. See fields.
table design. See creating tables; designing tables.
Table Design button, 42, 43–45
Table Design window, 44–45
table events
before, 562–566
after, 564–566
AfterChange event, 564–566
AfterDelete event, 564–566
AfterInsert event, 564–566
BeforeChange event, 562–564
BeforeDelete event, 562–564
table indexes, absolute speed, 856–858
table names
automatic correction, 1091–1092
viewing, 155–156
table relationships
connecting data, 105–107
creating, 119–125
deleting, 126
equi-joins, 122–125
flat-file databases, 104–105
join tables, 111
subroutines, VBA. See also VBA procedures.
calling, 436
components of, 436
creating, 437–441
definition, 380
naming conventions, 435–436
overview, 435–436
Sum option, 657
summary calculations in reports, 344
summary options, selecting for reports, 328–329
summing rows and columns, 247–248
summing values. See aggregate functions.
SuperTips, 1015
surrogate primary keys, 77, 118–119
swap files, absolute speed, 856
Switch Windows button
Datasheet ribbon, 220
Form ribbon, 293
creating, 912, 1097
description, 1097
user considerations, 912
synchronizing desktop application with Access Services,
syntax checking, 411, 525–527
syntax errors, color-coding, 526
System DSN, 1204
system information, getting with Windows API
command line, 952–953
drive type, 957–958
file system information, 958–959
GetCommandLineA function, 952–953
GetComputerNameA function, 956–957
GetDriveTypeA function, 957–958
GetSystemDirectoryA function, 959–960
GetTempPathA function, 953–954
GetUserNameA function, 956
GetVersionExA function, 954–955
GetVolumeInformationA function, 958–959
GetWindowsDirectoryA function, 953
local computer network name, 956–957
parent window handles, 960
temporary files path, 953–954
title-bar text, 960
user name, 956
volume information, 958–959
window class, 960–961
Windows path, 953
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