Microsoft Access 2010 Bible

(Rick Simeone) #1



editors, 1012
example, 1033–1035
syntax, 1012

y:, formatting day of the year, 63
Year property, 362
years, two-digit versus four-digit, 212
Yes/No data type
automatic validation, 224–225
converting to Text, 58
description, 53
purpose, 48
storage size, 49
Yes/No fields, 65–66
Null values, 200
query selection criteria, 151–152
yy:, formatting two-digit year, 63
yyyy:, formatting four-digit year, 63

0 (zero)
placeholder, 62
required digit indicator, 67
zero-length data, allowing, 70–71
zip codes, data types, 51
Zoom dialog box, 297
Zoom window, 226–227

With function, absolute speed, 864
With keyword, filtering data, 895
With statements, 408–409
Word, Automation example
activating Word instances, 805
bookmarks, 807
creating documents based on templates, 806
creating Word instances, 805
discarding Word instances, 807
displaying Word, 805
hidden copies of Word, 805
inserting data, 806
inserting pictures, 807
moving the cursor, 807
named arguments, 808
Office macro recorder, 808–810
overview, 800–805
Workspace object, 501
wrapper functions, 949
write-only properties, 987
WritePrivateProfileStringA function, 965–966
WriteProfileStringA function, 966
wrong data type. See data validation rules.
ww:, formatting week of the year, 63

xBase files, linking to, 591
XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
files, exporting, 625–627
saving data macros as, 574–575
XML, for the ribbon
case sensitivity, 1035
customizing, 1026

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