Microsoft Access 2010 Bible

(Rick Simeone) #1

Chapter 3: Designing Bulletproof Databases


Orphaned records are very bad in database applications. Because sales information is almost always
reported as which products were sold to which customers, a sales invoice that is not linked to a
valid customer will not be discovered under most circumstances. It’s easy to know which products
were sold to Fun Zone, but given an arbitrary sales record, it may not be easy to know that there is
no valid customer making the purchase. In Figure 3.13, the invoice records related to Fun Zone
are indicated by boxes drawn around the data in tblSales.

Because the referential integrity rules are enforced by the Access database engine, data integrity is
ensured wherever the data appears in the database: in tables, queries, or forms. Once you’ve estab-
lished the integrity requirements of your applications, you don’t have to be afraid that data in
related tables will become lost or disorganized.

I can’t overemphasize the need for referential integrity in database applications. Many developers
feel that they can use VBA code or user interface design to prevent orphaned records. The truth is
that, in most databases, the data stored in a particular table may be used in many different places
within the application. Also, given the fact that many database projects extend over many years,
and among any number of developers, it’s not always possible to recall how data should be pro-
tected. By far, the best approach to ensuring the integrity of data stored in any database system is
to utilize the power of the database engine to enforce referential integrity.

The general relational model referential integrity rules ensure that records contained in relational tables
are not lost or confused. For obvious reasons, it’s important that the primary keys connecting tables be
protected and preserved. Also, changes in a table that affect other tables (for example, deleting a record
on the “one” side of a one-to-many relationship) should be rippled to the other tables connected to the
first table. Otherwise, the data in the two tables will quickly become unsynchronized.

No primary key can contain a null value

The first referential integrity rule states that no primary key can contain a null value. A null value is
one that simply does not exist. The value of a field that has never been assigned a value (even a
default value) is Null. No row in a database table can have Null in its primary key field because
the main purpose of the primary key is to guarantee uniqueness of the row. Obviously, null values
cannot be unique and the relational model would not work if primary keys could be Null.

Furthermore, Access can’t evaluate a null value. Because a null value doesn’t exist, it can’t be com-
pared with any other value. It isn’t larger or smaller than any other value; it simply doesn’t exist.
Therefore, a null value can’t be used to look up a record in a table, or to form a relationship
between two tables.

Access automatically enforces the first referential integrity rule. As you add data to tables, you can’t
leave the primary key field empty without generating a warning (one reason the AutoNumber
field works so well as a primary key). Once you’ve designated a field in an Access table as the pri-
mary key, Access won’t let you delete the data in the field, nor will it allow you to change the value
in the field so that it duplicates a value in another record.

When using a composite primary key made up of several fields, all the fields in the composite key
must contain values. None of the fields is allowed to be empty. The combination of values in the
composite primary key must be unique.

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