Part I: Access Building Blocks
Freezing columns
When you want to scroll left and right among many columns but want to keep certain columns
from scrolling out of view, choose More ➪ Freeze in the ribbon’s Records group. With this com-
mand, for example, you can keep the ProductID and Description fields visible while you
scroll through the datasheet to find the product’s features. The frozen columns are visible on the
far-left side of the datasheet while other fields scroll horizontally out of sight. The fields must be
contiguous if you want to freeze more than one at a time. (Of course, you can first move your
fields to place them next to each other.) When you’re ready to unfreeze the datasheet columns,
simply choose More ➪ Unfreeze.
When you unfreeze columns, the column doesn’t move back to its original position. You must move it back
Saving the changed layout
When you close the datasheet, you save all your data changes but you might lose all your layout
changes. As you make all these display changes to your datasheet, you probably won’t want to
make them again the next time you open the same datasheet. If you make any layout changes,
Access prompts you to save the changes to the layout when you close the datasheet. Choose Yes to
save the changes. You can also save the layout changes manually by clicking Save on the Quick
Access toolbar.
If you’re following the example, don’t save the changes to tblProducts.
Saving a record
Access saves each record when you move off it. Pressing Shift+Enter or selecting Save from the rib-
bon’s Records group saves a record without moving off it. Closing the datasheet also saves a
Sorting and Filtering Records
in a Datasheet
The ribbon’s Sort & Filter group (shown in Figure 6.18) lets you rearrange the order of the rows
and reduce the number of rows. Using the commands in this group, you’ll display the records you
want in the order you want to see them. The following sections demonstrate how to use these