Part I: Access Building Blocks
Introducing Properties
Properties are named attributes of controls, fields, or database objects that are used to modify the
characteristics of a control, field, or object. Examples of these attributes are the size, color, appear-
ance, or name of an object. A property can also modify the behavior of a control, determining, for
example, whether the control is read-only or editable and visible or not visible.
Properties are used extensively in forms and reports to change the characteristics of controls. Each
control on the form has properties. The form itself also has properties, as does each of its sections.
The same is true for reports; the report itself has properties, as does each report section and indi-
vidual control. The label control also has its own properties, even if it’s attached to another control.
Everything that you do with the ribbon commands — from moving and resizing controls to chang-
ing fonts and colors — can be done by setting properties. In fact, all these commands do is change
properties of the selected controls.
Displaying the Property Sheet
Properties are displayed in a Property Sheet (sometimes called a Property window). To display the
Property Sheet for the Description text box, follow these steps:
- Drag Description, Category, RetailPrice, and Cost from the Field List to the
form’s Design view. - Click the Description text box control to select it.
- Click the Property Sheet command in the Design ribbon’s Tools group, or press F4 to
display the Property Sheet.
The screen should look like the one shown in Figure 7.26. In Figure 7.26, the
Description text box control has been selected and the Format tab in the Property Sheet
is being scrolled to find the margin properties associated with a text box.
Because the Property Sheet is a window, it can be undocked, moved, and resized. It does not, how-
ever, have Maximize or Minimize buttons.
There are several ways to display a control’s Property Sheet if it’s not visible:
l Select a control and click the Property Sheet command in the Design tab’s Tools group.
l (^) Double-click any control.
l Right-click any control and select Properties from the pop-up menu.
l (^) Press F4 while any control is selected.