Chapter 14: Debugging Your Access Applications
Putting multiple declarations on one line makes finding a variable’s Dim statement difficult.
Other errors may be caused by using a variable in an inappropriate context, such as using a string
variable in a mathematical expression. In this particular case, VBA will use a numeric value stored
in the string variable without throwing an error, but a runtime error is thrown if the string variable
contains a text value (such as a person’s name).
The long declaration in Figure 14.7 contains another, more subtle error. Notice that the declara-
tion contains i, j As Integer at the end of the statement. Presumably the programmer intended
for both i and j to be the Integer data type, but this isn’t what actually happens. VBA requires
the As DataType clause for each variable declaration. If the As DataType is omitted (as it is for the
i variable), the variable is established as a Variant data type. Although the code you see in
Figure 14.7 runs without errors, because the i variable is a Variant, the code runs somewhat
more slowly than it would if i were an Integer.
Figure 14.8 shows the same declarations reconfigured as multiple Dim statements. You can much
more easily see the data type of the rs1 variable in Figure 14.8. Let your eye run down the list of
variable names until you reach rs1 and see that it’s a Recordset type variable. This is another
reason why short, descriptive variable names are preferred over long, descriptive names.
A second, less obvious change in Figure 14.8 is the fact that variables are grouped by data type. All
the Recordset variables are grouped together as are the Integer variables. You could carry this
grouping one step farther by sorting the variables alphabetically by data type.
Spreading out your variable declarations doesn’t appreciably affect compile times or runtimes.
There is no difference in code module size after the code has been reduced to a binary format by
the Access VBA compiler. In other words, you gain little by condensing variable declarations into a
few lines of code. Spreading out variable declarations makes them much easier to read without sac-
rificing execution or compilation speed.