Chapter 20: Advanced Access Report Techniques
FIGURE 20.28
txtPageNumber jumps from right to left.
Using different formats in the same text box
On some reports, you may want the format of certain fields in a record to change according to the
values in other fields on the report. A good example is a journal voucher report in a multicurrency
financial system in which the voucher detail debit or credit amount format varies according to the
number of decimal places used to display the currency value.
Unfortunately, a control in a Detail section of a report can have but a single format specified in its
Property Sheet. Use the following trick to flexibly set the format property at run time. The
FlexFormat() function uses the iFmt argument to return a string specifying the desired format:
Function FlexFormat (iFmt As Integer) As String
Select Case iFmt
Case 1 : FlexFormat = “##0.0;(##0.0)”
Case 2 : FlexFormat = “##0.00;(##0.00)”
Case 3 : FlexFormat = “##0.000;(##0.000)”
Case 4 : FlexFormat = “##0.0000;(##0.0000)”
End Select
End Function
Assume that the field to be dynamically formatted has its ControlSource set to [Amount]. The
format of the Amount text box should vary depending on the value of the CurrDecPlaces field
in the same record. CurrDecPlaces is an Integer data type. To use FlexFormat, change the
ControlSource property of the Amount text box to the following: