Part IV: Professional Database Development
The function SetPMeter consists of only three lines — one to display the rectangle and manipu-
late its width, one to display the caption on the bar as it grows inside the rectangle, and one to
repaint the screen each time so that the bar is animated:
Public Function SetPMeter(p As Single)
‘p is percent of total:
Me.PMeterBar.Width = p * Me.PMeter.Width
Me.PMeterBar.Caption = Format(p, “##%”)
End Function
Speeding up the progress meter display
This routine is called whenever you want to update the progress meter. Generally, you should call
the progress meter only when it’s likely to be updated. If you know that you have 1,000 records,
you might call the meter every 10 records, but if you have 10,000 records, you might call the
meter every 100 records.
Although this code is simple, it isn’t the best option. In fact, because this code calls the progress
meter for every record, it’s much slower than the built-in progress meter. A better approach is to
call the progress meter every few records:
If (i / lngCounter) * 100 = Int((i / lngCounter) * 100) Then
SetPMeter i / lngCounter
End If
The If statement checks to see whether the calculation of the completion percentage is an integer
(whole number). This calls the progress meter function (SetPMeter) that moves the progress
meter rectangle and displays the percentage completed. It’s called only 100 times to move the rect-
angle; even though the If statement is run 50,000 times, you might wonder why the If statement
is faster. The reality is that the If statement takes very few resources to process, but a function
that changes the width of a rectangle or control, writes to the screen, and then repaints the screen
uses a lot of resources — as evidenced by the time to process falling by 90 percent.
Follow these steps to integrate the Progress Meter into your application:
- Import the Progress Meter form into your application.
- Change the code behind the form to interact with your application.
Working with Large Access Databases
When someone mentions large databases in Microsoft Access, he’s generally thinking about a data-
base containing tables holding hundreds of thousands of records. Although this is a large database,
another definition is a database containing hundreds or thousands of objects — tables, queries,
forms, reports, and lots of VBA modules. Although you can sometimes solve data performance