- If kept under water a fat lime paste does not lose its high plasticity and consequently
does not set and hard. - sp. gr. of pure lime is about 3.4.
X Fat lime finds extensive use in making mortar, matrix for concrete, base for distemper
and in white wash, manufacturing of cement, and metallurgical industry.
Bureau of Indian standards has classified lime into class A, B, C, D, E and F based on the
purpose of its use in construction.
g2e%i2r2v is used for making mortar and concrete for construction
and foundation works, i.e. for structural purposes.
(i) The colour is grey.
(ii) Calcium oxide and clay are 60-70 and 25 per cent respectively.
(iii) Slakes with difficulty.
(iv) Sets and hardens readily under water with initial setting time 2 hours and final setting
time 48 hours.
g2f%2r2v is used for masonry mortars, flooring and for concrete in
ordinary constructions and plaster undercoat.
(i) The colour is grey.
(ii) Contains 70 per cent calcium oxide and 15 per cent clay.
(iii) Slakes and sets at slow rate taking about a week to set under water.
g2g%p2v is used for finishing coat in plastering, white washing and with puzzolana
in mortars.
(i) The colour is white.
(ii) Slakes vigorously and increases to three times its original volume.
(iii) Contains about 93 per cent calcium oxide and about 5-7 per cent clay.
g2h%wGh 2v is used for finishing coat in plastering and white washing.
(i) The colour is white.
(ii) Contains about 85 per cent calcium and magnesium oxides.
(iii) Slakes promptly.
(iv) Sets slowly.