Kundalini and the Art of Being: The Awakening

(Dana P.) #1
Kundalini and the Art of Being ... 121

from Ananda Village. She said that there was a Whole Life Exposition
going on in nearby San Jose, and if you volunteered then you could
get in for free. Barbara Marciniak was going to be doing a workshop
there and channeling the Pleiadians. She happened to be one of my
spiritual heroes. Rnu was staying with a friend in San Jose, and I was
welcome to stay the night as well. The next morning, I said goodbye
to my brother, then caught a bus from the UC Santa Cruz campus
downtown and hopped another bus over to San Jose.
I had been reading everything I could find on the Pleiadians over
the past few months and found myself intrigued by their message and
spiritual vibration. The voice and language with which they spoke
seemed very rich, deep, colorful, sensuous, warm, and embracing.
Unlike many spiritual paths, such as the teachings at Ananda, which
tended to preach control of the emotions, desires, sexuality, physi-
cality, passion, intuition, etc., their message was one of embracing
and finding balance with these often confusing parts of ourselves. I
found that I could relate to this a lot more than the dry, stern, overly
intellectual message of many spiritual teachers and teachings. And
it simply seemed more human. My quest overall was not to be less
human, but rather to be more genuinely human.
I realized, as I sat staring out the bus window on my way to San
Jose, that there was something rather synchronicitous in the fact that
I was going to hear the Pleiadians speak. Just a few days before Rnu
called, I had woken up in the middle of the night with the distinct
impression that metaphysical beings were interacting with me in my
sleep. Though the faint impression of this encounter seemed rather
dream-like, at the same time I remembered that I had been, in some
strange way, more conscious than the typical dream-state—con-
scious of other, separate entities interacting with me somehow that
I could now only vaguely recall. It seemed more than coincidental
that I would have this experience on some subconscious level, and
then, only days later, go to hear such metaphysical entities speak in
the material realm. I found some reassurance in this realization that
there was indeed a larger overall plan going on behind the curtains

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