Kundalini and the Art of Being: The Awakening

(Dana P.) #1
Kundalini and the Art of Being ... 41

intense for me to handle for much longer than just a few moments.
My fear always overpowered my desire to stay present with it, and I
quickly found myself back in my body, engulfed in awe at what had
just taken place.
After a few weeks of this occurring a few times a week, I started to
get pretty spaced out, to say the least. Despite my intense curiosity
to discover more, I realized that I had to discontinue my exploration
of the out-of-body state, at least for the time. There were too many
other bizarre things happening in my life, and I knew that it wasn’t in
my best interest right then to experiment with such a powerful and
otherworldly phenomenon. Staying grounded was never one of my
strong points and this wasn’t helping. I simply willed myself to stop,
refusing to relax into the strange states I had been experiencing as I
fell asleep. After a week or two I no longer slipped out of my body
at night, and my desire to experience such a state again pretty much
disappeared. I had gotten a real taste of that which I had read about,
and that was enough.

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