Kundalini and the Art of Being: The Awakening

(Dana P.) #1
2 ... Gabriel Morris

fire without any outside help. The bucket brigade came to an abrupt
halt, as a cheer went up through the line, and we all joined in, hol-
lering into the forest our delight at having accomplished what had
seemed an impossible task earlier in the day.
Though slightly smaller than before, the Rainbow Gathering con-
tinued on following the crisis of the fire. Many actually felt it to be a
powerful initiation and cleansing of sorts, which served to strengthen
and purify the energy of the gathering.

A week later, it was nearing the end of the Rainbow Gathering.
I was sitting in a circle waiting for John to begin our routine morn-
ing yoga session in the main meadow, when a tall, young woman
with long, dark hair happened to walk by our little group. One of the
young men around the circle spoke up as she passed by: “Hey there,
you want to join us for a yoga session? We’re just getting started...”
“Well, I was actually headed down to the solar showers...” she
said. “But sure, I might as well; I could use a little exercise to start my
day. I guess I can always take my shower afterwards...”
“What’s your name?” asked the same fellow who had invited her,
as she came to join the yoga circle.
“Amy,” she said, as she sat down next to me, smiling and bringing
her legs into cross-legged position. John then brought his hands to-
gether at his heart in prayer position, and we all did the same, closing
our eyes and taking a deep breath, letting out a group Om to begin
the session, as the sun shone down upon our dusty faces.
Later that day, my brother and I helped out in one of the many
kitchens preparing food for dinner where Amy happened to be work-
ing. Christo and I ended up talking with her and her friend Lisa, while
we all cut potatoes and other veggies together. She was three years
younger than myself, from Austin, Texas, and she and Lisa were on
a wild summer road trip together, which had unexpectedly brought
them here, to their first Rainbow Gathering. They hadn’t even heard
of the event until a week or so earlier, when they’d picked up a hitch-
hiker who was going there and decided to check it out.

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