Kundalini and the Art of Being: The Awakening

(Dana P.) #1
Kundalini and the Art of Being ... 

gave us an instant bond, an openness that I didn’t share even with my
housemates of the last few months. Although my housemates were
all young, friendly, creative people with whom I got along well, there
was something magical about the Rainbow Gatherings that opened
up a long dormant part of the soul, so that virtual strangers might be-
come good friends in a matter of days or even hours.
One way or another, Amy and I ended up alone in my room that
night, talking into the early hours. Around three or four in the morn-
ing, we finally decided that we’d better get some sleep. She got up
out of the lounge chair next to my bed to leave, and I got up from
my bed, where I had been lying on my side, to give her a hug. We
embraced one another, as love flowed between us like a warm, com-
forting breeze. We had wanted to touch one another all night, but
hadn’t found the opportunity until now. We just stood there holding
each other, eyes closed, feeling the energy flow freely between us,
squeezing each other softly, caressing one another’s backs with our
hands, feeling the soft touch of our embracing bodies.
Eventually, I motioned her to the bed, and we pulled back the cov-
ers and crawled under the warm blankets. We resumed our embrace,
kissing each another softly. Finally we fell asleep, still holding each
other close.

We awoke late the next morning to Lisa knocking on the door,
having reasoned that we must be in there together.
“Wake up, you sleepyheads! Let’s go to the springs!”
As it turned out, I had the next two days off, although, to his frus-
tration, my brother had to work the next few nights at the pizza
parlor, so he wasn’t able to join us. Amy, Lisa, and I left town that
morning. I followed the two of them in my Datsun pickup truck
out to the hot springs, about forty miles east of Eugene. We camped
together at a free campground a couple of miles down the road from
the springs.
Amy and I spent the next couple of days in the general vicinity of
the hot springs, sharing a lot of affectionate time together. When I

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