Neuroanatomy Draw It To Know It

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44 Neuroanatomy: Draw It to Know It

Ulnar Nerve (Cont.)

First, indicate that the deep branch innervates the
hypothenar group, which comprises abductor digiti
minimi, opponens digiti minimi, and fl exor digiti
minimi. Abductor digiti minimi abducts the fi ft h digit
in the plane of the palm. In regards to opponens digiti
minimi, both the median and ulnar nerves produce the
action of thumb to little fi nger opposition: the median
nerve supplies the opponens pollicis muscle, which
directs the thumb to the little fi nger, and the ulnar nerve
innervates the opponens digiti minimi muscle, which
directs the little fi nger to the thumb. Flexor digiti minimi
fl exes the fi ft h digit toward the palm.
Now, show that the deep branch innervates the intrin-
sic hand group, which comprises lumbricals 3 and 4, the
palmar interossei, and dorsal interossei muscles. Th e
third and fourth lumbricals have dual actions on digits 4
and 5: they extend their proximal interphalangeal joints
and fl ex their metacarpal–phalangeal joints. Th e palmar
interossei bring the fi ngers together (they provide fi nger

closure) whereas the dorsal interossei spread them apart.
We focus on the fi rst dorsal interosseous muscle because
it is commonly clinically tested; it provides fi nger abduc-
tion of the second digit.
Lastly, show that the deep branch innervates the
thenar group, which comprises fl exor pollicis brevis and
adductor pollicis. Flexor pollicis brevis fl exes the thumb
against the palm; the median nerve also innervates it.
Adductor pollicis adducts the thumb against the side of
the palm. It is the In component of the Up, In, Out triad,
which is as follows. Th e median-innervated abductor
pollicis brevis moves the thumb perpendicular to the
plane of the palm: with the palm up, it raises the thumb
up toward the ceiling. Th e ulnar-innervated adductor
pollicis and the radial-innervated abductor pollicis
longus move the thumb in the plane of the palm: adduc-
tor pollicis draws the thumb in toward the side of the
palm and abductor pollicis longus moves the thumb out
away from the side of the palm.^1 – 4 , 9 , 11 , 12

FIGURE 3-29 Abductor digiti minimi. FIGURE 3-30 Palmar interossei.

FIGURE 3-31 First dorsal interosseous. FIGURE 3-32 Adductor pollicis.

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