Let us consider the case that a steadily increasing magnetic field is applied in a direction
opposite to the direction in which a perfect single crystal of a magnetic compound of
hexagonal or tetragonal symmetry is magnetized (i.e., opposite to the easy magnetization
direction). One would expect all atomic moments to reverse their direction by a process
of uniform rotation only when the applied field becomes equal in size to the anisotropy
field (see Chapter 11). However, in reality, such high coercivities are
seldom encountered. Most permanent-magnet materials show the magnetization reversal
already at field strengths that are only a small fraction (10–15%) of the value of
The reason for this comparatively easy magnetization reversal is the existence of
magnetic-domain structures. Magnetic particles of sufficiently large size will generally not
be uniformly magnetized but rather be composed of magnetic domains that are mutually
separated by domain walls or Bloch walls. A schematic representation of such a wall is
given in Fig. 12.3.1. The magnetizations in adjacent domains point into opposite directions
in order to reduce the magnetostatic energy. The magnetization in the wall between two
domains gradually changes from the one preferred magnetization direction to the other. The
thickness of the wall is determined by the relative strengths of the anisotropy energy and the
exchange energy. The former tends to reduce the wall thickness, the latter tends to increase
it. This may be seen from the argument given below.
According to Eq. (4.1.2), one may obtain the exchange energy between neighboring
spins from the formula
where is the angle between the directions of the spin-angular-momentum vectors of atom
i and its neighbors j. Generally, the widths of domain walls involve many lattice spacings,
sometimes more than a hundred. For this reason, the angle between two neighboring
spins in the wall is very small, so that one may use the approximation
The variable part of the exchange energy for a row of atoms across the wall can then be