Physics of Magnetism

(Sean Pound) #1

strong ferromagnetism, 68 unit of magnetization, 77
Sucksmith–Thompson plots, 99 unit of the magnetic induction, 76
superexchange interaction, 122 units, 75
supermalloy, 147
susceptibility balance, 85
susceptibility enhancement, 65 valence-electron asphericities, 53
vapour deposition of thin magnetic films, 134, 144
vector model of atoms, 4, 5
thermal expansion, 165 vertical recording, 140
thermal-expansion coefficient, 166 vibrating-sample magnetometer, 87
thermomagnetic anisotropy, 151 volume magnetostriction, 166
thermomagnetic writing of bits, 131 volume susceptibility, 78
Ticonal XX, 108
total orbital angular momentum, 5
total spin angular momentum, 6 wall energy, 111
torque, 30 wall pinning, 114
torque magnetometer, 101 wall thickness, 111
weak ferromagnetism, 68
Weiss field, 19
ultrathin metallic films, 142 Weiss constant, 23
unit of magnetic field strength, 75 working point of a magnet, 105

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