Since the field is applied parallel to the A sublattice and antiparallel to the B sublattice,
the A-sublattice magnetization will be slightly larger then the B-sublattice magnetization.
The induced magnetization can then be obtained from
For small applied fields, one may find and by expanding the corresponding
Brillouin functions as a Taylor series in H and retaining only the first-order terms. After
some tedious algebra, one eventually finds
where is the derivative of the Brillouin function with respect to its argument. For
more details, the reader is referred to the textbooks of Morrish (1965) and of Chikazumi
and Charap (1966).
It can be inferred from Eq. (4.3.19) that at zero kelvin and that increases
sublattices, the magnetically ordered state below
with increasing temperature. The physical reason behind this is a very simple one. For both
is due to the molecular field which
leads to a strong splitting of the 2J + 1 ground-state manifold (like in Fig. 3.1.1), so that in
each of the two sublattices the statistical average value of is nonzero when H = 0. The
absolute values of are the same for both sublattices, only the quantization directions of
are different because the molecular fields causing the splitting have opposite directions.
If we now apply a magnetic field parallel to the easy direction, the total field will be slightly
increased for one of the two sublattices, for the other sublattice it will be slightly decreased.
This means that the total splitting of the former sublattice is slightly larger than in the latter
sublattice. When calculating the thermal average of both sublattices (Eq. 3.1.9), one
finds that there is no difference at zero kelvin since for both sublattices only the lowest level
is occupied and one has
and consequently
However, as soon as the temperature is raised there will be thermal population of the
2 J + 1 levels. Because the total splitting for the two sublattices is different, one obtains
different level occupations for both sublattices. The corresponding difference in the thermal
averages becomes stronger, the lower the population of the two lowest levels. In other
words, although in both sublattices the statistical average decreases with increasing
temperature, the difference between for the two sublattices increases and causes the
susceptibility to increase with temperature (see Fig. 4.3.2).